Interference into C band LNB
The band 3.625 - 4.2 GHz is under increasing pressure from other spectrum users such as WiFi, WiMAX and, in the future, beyond 2020, from 5G. These new services may operate just below or within the satellite band. If a WiMAX transmitter is nearby then it may interfere into your LNB. The solution is to use a band pass filter in front of your LNB which will restrict the range of of frequencies you can receive. An older 3.7-4.2 may be better than a modern wide band 3.625 - 4.2 GHz type. In future, if 5G grabs most of the satellite band, then 4 - 4.2 GHz filters/LNB will be needed for satellite use. Some C band sites need site shielding with earth banks, foliage or walls to reduce interference from nearby terrestrial sources.
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